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Tumble Dragons 3 to 5 years old

Tumble Dragons 3 to 5 years old

No parents are needed here! Children learn new gymnastics skills each week in our themed lesson plans. Physically challenging skills give children stronger bodies and sharper minds and a clear understanding of their bodies' capabilities and limitations. Obstacle courses change weekly. Children learn skills on the floor, balance beams, bars, and trampoline. New challenges make this class pure FUN!


Students need to enter the correct class for their age/level.

Ex: Tumble Dragons 3-5 yr old--child MUST be 3yrs  to enter the class-"almost 3's (or 2.75) will be enrolled in the Mini-Dragon class. 

Ex.  Almost 5's and 5 yr olds NOT in Kindergarten will need to go into the Tumble Dragons class. If the coaches feel the child has the skills/ability to advance- they will alert the front desk.

Please understand that every student is getting older as the year progresses! As a parent, you may feel your child needs to be in the older class because they "will be turning" the next age soon. (example 4 turning 5)  We agree to advance is important...but it MUST be at the correct time.
Other students are also ageing up--for example- 9 yr old in 3rd grade and getting ready for 4th gr.  Your child's safety is very important to us! There are many factors to advancing.  Is the child physically, mentally, and socially ready? Is the next level appropriate? What is the age of the next class? It would be unsafe for us to place a new student in a class who does not meet the class requirements.  If you have questions on which class your child should enter we will gladly help! 

Term #4 Feb 17- Apr 18: New member enrollment- Feb 10th!
Class / Program Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Tumble Dragons-3-5 yrs old
Tumble Dragons 3 to 5 years old

3:30-1 spot






5:30-full wl


4:30-1 spot




3:30-1 spot