Term #4 Feb 17- Apr 18: New member enrollment- Feb 10th!02/17/2025 - 04/18/2025
Term #5 April 21- May 3004/21/2025 - 05/30/2025
Summer -06/02/2025 - 08/01/2025
All user's Activity Streams
Thank You to all clubs who attended the Gold Rush Invite! Meet results are now available on our website- www.gcgym.com 2:06pm#
Gold Coast would like to thank our sponsors for the Gold Rush Invite! HearUSA, Olive Garden, Chilli's, Park Avenue-Bar & Grill, Jam-R-Enterprises and the Kosakowski's, Call & Paggeot Families! 2:50pm#
Calling all Buddies! Buddy Week is coming!! September 27th- October 1st you may invite a friend to join you in your gymnastics class! Pick up your Buddy Permission Form today. Which class will have the most buddies? Coach Jessica, Kristy, Kaitlyn, Sta 5:47pm#
Welcome Back Everyone! We are now in open enrollment for classes. We still have some available classes. Call today to register for Fall Term #1. Aug 16-Oct. 9th 10:38am#
Have a Great 1st day of school everyone!! 6:06am#
What a great Open House today! Thank you all for coming! It was a huge success. We had over 200 friend visit the gym..WOW! Don't forget classes begin the week of august 16th..See you then! 9:36pm#
is having its OPEN HOUSE in 4 days!!!! Dont miss out your time to register for the Fall classes! Check out the new classes and times! Saturday August 7th from 9:00am-12:00noon. See you there! Bring a friend! 11:36am#
Gold Coast will be having it's annual Open House & Fall Registration on Saturday August 7th from 9:00am-12:00 noon. Everyone is welcome to come explore the gym-children may play/work on equipment while parents register for Term #1. Early registration 7:28am#
will be having an OPEN HOUSE on Saturday, August 7th from 9:00am-12:00 noon. Come explore the gym, jump on trampoline, play in the pit, swing on bars and much, much more! While the kids are playing, parents may register for Term #1 and receive a "O 7:20am#